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Self Managed Business


Anthony | August 17, 2022

Unnecessary Stress - Don't Worry

What you need to do is take a step back and be proactive and say to yourself, well, I'm going to take action regardless of what I'm thinking at the moment, and not worry about

Anthony | August 17, 2022

Effectively Use Your Life Energy

One of the things that you need to be aware of is the unconscious thoughts that rob you of your time and your effort that are just pointless and they're stopping you from being

Anthony | August 16, 2022

Don't Describe a Giraffe to a Zookeeper

There's a lot of advertising out there that you'll see when you walk around the place where people are talking about the features and the benefits of their specific product or

Anthony | August 16, 2022

The Off Ramp

When somebody signs up for a product or service of yours, whether that be a simple lead magnet, we normally take them through some form of the welcome email sequence.

Anthony | August 11, 2022

5 Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Use Right This Minute

I want to talk to you about 5 Lead Magnet Ideas that you can use right now. What I would suggest doing is if you say, for example, got a series of blog posts, you might want

Anthony | August 11, 2022

7 Welcome Emails You Should not be Sending

The first email that you shouldn't be sending is one where it's just a response that says, “Thanks For Your Submission.” The other email you shouldn't send is "Do you know

Anthony | August 10, 2022

Content as Customer Retention: The One Big Opportunity You're Probably Missing

So if you've run a help desk, you'll know that people that have got you using your products or services will ask specific questions or they'll have problems with your product