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5 Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Use Right This Minute

lead magnet ideas, what is a lead magnet, Lead magnets

Anthony | August 11, 2022


5 Lead Magnet Ideas

Hi. Anthony Manly here from Today I want to talk to you about five lead magnet ideas that you can use right now. Now, when I say lead magnet, I have spoken about lead magnets before, or one of the key things about a lead magnet is they attract leads and they will give you a snippet of information that you can take. Lead magnet definition. Checklist lead magnet.

Like normally it’s an email address and their first name could be just an email address, but it’s going to help you take them one step closer to making a sale with you.


Now, one of the things that you may already have is a blog series.

So you might have created some blog content.

Lead magnet ideas for bloggers.

That’s probably the first place that you could start looking.

lead magnet ideas, what is a lead magnet, Lead magnets

Now, when I say some blog content, it’s more of a string of blogs that you might have created that you can put together and you can create an eBook. 

It sounds quite chunky.

However, it could solve several problems and it may help somebody with what they’re looking to solve in their business.

What I would suggest doing is if you say, for example, got a series of blog posts, you might want to break it down. Let’s say you’ve got three, break it down into three separate eBooks or three separate downloadable PDFs, which that way then it solves a problem that somebody is wanting to solve.


The second one that I would call out would be an infographic.

Now, with infographics, it’s more about data.lead magnet ideas, what is a lead magnet, Lead magnets

So if you’ve got data that you want to present to your ideal prospect, then a way you can do it is through imagery.

And infographics were once used quite commonly.

Now not so much because they were overused during a certain period. However, they still help you to portray a picture of what’s going on about your data.

So if you wanted to, for example, show something that’s up, you could have a chart that has a bar chart that shows everything up.

Or if you want to show something down, it shows a bar chart that’s down. It’s a comparison tool.

So infographics are very important still to this day. And I would be more inclined to make them downloadable so people can download them, they can print them out, and can have them later.


The third one that I would call out to you is a slide show.

So a slide show, what you’ll notice is when you go to YouTube most well, I wouldn’t say most, but some people do like to create what’s called a slide show.

lead magnet ideas, what is a lead magnet, Lead magnets

And what you can do is take those slides and you can use that as a downloadable piece of content so that somebody’s got your slides available to them so they can refer back to them whilst watching your video.

Ted Talks was a good example of this.

And you’ll notice that Ted Talks will allow you to download their slideshows if you find them on YouTube and you can find them all around the place.

But Slideshows are perfect for lead management.


The fourth one is Quizzes. 

Now, with regards to quizzes, what you can do with the quiz is you could make it fun and engaging.

So for example, you might have a quiz about how to lose weight, like what are the foods that you’re eating? Right? You can make it fun in that respect, like good foods versus bad foods.lead magnet ideas, what is a lead magnet, Lead magnets

And you can get people to answer silly questions: Do you eat chocolate? Do you eat chips?  

One of the things that we like to do is build those types of quizzes into a funnel so that they’re asking, they’re being asked, and when I say they, I’m talking about your prospective lead or your prospective client. They’re being asked set questions on set pages and those pages lead to an informed submission.

And what you want to do is not just have it as a list of questions that people just follow. You want to take them through a journey.

And what I mean by taking them through a journey is to get them thinking, where am I currently? Where would I like to be? What am I doing currently?

Taking them on that journey of transformation, where they are to where they want to be, and leading them down that path. What you can do depends on the answers to the questions, for example, let’s say we had a business coach who was earning less than $10,000 a month.

We would send them down a specific path inside of a funnel, and at the end of that funnel, make them an offer that’s related directly to the way they’ve answered those questions.

That is a very popular way to tailor the solution to a specific customer. And if you understand the customer journey that your customer finds, it can be very profitable for you in the end.


The fifth one that I’ve got here is product comparisons.

Part of me with product comparisons, you can say, well, product A versus product B. A lot of affiliate marketers use this type of style of comparison. They might say, look, I tested this product versus this product.lead magnet ideas, what is a lead magnet, Lead magnets

One of the things that’s worked very well, and I have seen this work very well, is when somebody is testing a cheaper product versus a more expensive product and it demonstrates to people, you know what, the cheaper product is the better product to go for, even though this product is more expensive.

A good example is with cameras. Lead magnet ideas for photographers.

So you can these days just use the camera that’s in your phone. I have my phone handy with me, but you can just use the camera on your phone or you can buy yourself quite an expensive mirrorless camera which goes up in price anywhere between 7 to $800 into the thousands. 

Lead magnet funnel.

There are five great ideas you can use for lead magnets, choose one of them.

See how you go.

Test it. 

Understand if it doesn’t work? 

Try another one.

But there are five great ideas that you can implement right away.


Here Are 4 Ways I Can Help You

And Your Coaching Business Right Now!

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