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Content as Customer Retention: The One Big Opportunity You're Probably Missing

customer retention, content as a service, why customer retention is important

Anthony | August 10, 2022



Hi. Anthony Manly here from Today I want to talk to you about content as a service. And if you’re like most business owners. You’ve probably dabbled in creating blog posts or posting things to social media like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Just because you found something interesting and you thought you just post it up and you probably had some kind of response to that. But you might have had more of a sales slant on what you were posting out there. 

As you are supposed to think to yourself, Well, what’s the intent of this piece of content that I’m posting?

Why is customer retention important? Customer retention benefits.

One of the things that you need to think about is having content as a service.

Now, when I say content as a service, what I mean by that is getting into the mind of your customer, understanding where their problems are and their frustrations, and specifically what are their fears.

What is customer retention?

Customer retention strategy.

So when you start understanding that, it’s about building out solutions to those problems and those frustrations that they’re experiencing, and then reusing that as part of the customer experience, when you’re potentially onboarding a new customer, or you may just have a small slither or a magic trick, as some people like to call it, as to solving someone’s specific problem. Benefits of customer retention. Importance of customer retention.

So when you’re creating content, it’s more of an understanding of, Okay, what am I creating? And there’s only a certain amount of hours in the day that people have. And you probably think to yourself, well, I’m already strapped as it is.

But there is a treasure chest of a gold mine, essentially, of areas that you can focus on to solve these problems that people are experiencing. Customer retention strategies.


Number one would have to be a help desk.

So if you’ve run a help desk, you’ll know that people that have got you using your products or services will ask specific questions or they’ll have problems with your product or service, or they were thinking that, Hey, I thought this was going to solve this problem.

customer retention, content as a service, why customer retention is important

But it’s not.

But it’s a great way to understand what your customers are experiencing.


The other thing that you can do is also put out posts where people can ask you any question that they’ve got.

You’ll notice that within one of our free groups, we quite commonly and quite regularly post up and say, hash ask, ask me anything. 

customer retention, content as a service, why customer retention is important

So if you’ve got any problems, got any questions, need something that needs to be resolved, we would normally have in our library of content something that would have answered that question for a previous customer who asked the same question or a potential lead. Now there are only two ways to do it.

There are other ways as well.

So you could host a roundtable and you could bring in some experts who can talk about, for example, growing a Facebook group organically. And those types of things help you understand where your customers coming from.


Other things are through feedback questionnaires.

So someone that’s used your product or service and may have finished using a product or service, grab the feedback from them.

customer retention, content as a service, why customer retention is important

It can be good, it can be bad, and it can be indifferent. But it’s best if it’s more than a couple of sentences long. Because that is where the gold lies.

So, content as a service, look to provide specific answers to people’s specific problems and sprinkle it throughout the customer journey. When you’re bringing or onboarding new customers or acquiring new leads.


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