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Define Who You Want to Attract

attracting the right person, Attract, Mindset

Anthony | July 27, 2022


Attracting the Right Customer

Good Day. Anthony Manly here from In today’s video, I’m going to talk to you about attracting the right customers or attracting the right person.

So who do you want to attract? And just because you can attract the right people doesn’t mean that you should, because if you’re attracting the wrong type of customer to your product or service, even though you might be selling it, it’s going to be a drag on you. After all, you’re going to be constantly assisting them and getting them to where you want them to be.

What is growth mindset? what is your mindset?

So for example, let’s say you’re selling a $20 product, it’s going to attract those people that have got, say, $21 probably in their bank account, not your ideal customer.

However, if you start to think about, well, hang on a minute, who is my ideal customer, are they going to be a right fit for me, and where do I want to end up? And that’s a different story.

So in today’s video, we’re going to cover this topic.

So what’s the ultimate key to attracting the right customers? Attracting the right person?

If you think about this, let’s say, for example, you want to make $20,000 a month.

Do you think that selling a $20 product is going to get you to $20,000 a month quickly?

A $ 2,000-month product will probably get you there a little bit quicker because you only need ten customers. But if you think about it, what happens if you got a $20,000 customer?

Then you only have to sell to one customer.

Now, I can think pretty quickly that who’s going to be the biggest pain to deal with, which would be that $20 customer.

However, if you start to think and start to move your business, to move people from a $20 product to a $2,000 product to them to a $20,000 product, that’s a different way of thinking.

And if you think continuity, which is continuous income, having continuous leads coming into your funnel, they can come in at any position. 

So they could come in as a $2,000 customer and then they could be upgraded to a $20,000 customer, and vice versa.

If they come in as a $20,000 customer, what are you going to do with them once they’ve finished the $20,000 product?

So it’s a mindset thing.

Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to introduce you to two questions to identify the right customers. And if you look back on marketing so the history of the internet came about in the 1990s.


People used to say to themselves.

Well. Listen. I’ve got a product that I want to sell to a guy like a 52-year-old man who’s married. Got two kids.

And who’s got for example. A Visa card. A Visa Gold card. And who’s interested in buying a car magazine or a car magazine. I’m just using the example and would be interested to buy this type of product.

Now that’s a pretty valid approach when you think about it.

However, if you take a step back, you could say to yourself, well, here’s the first question. attracting the right person, Attract, Mindset

  • First Question: “Who would benefit from buying a product?”

Now I can easily say that one of our products, a beginner, would benefit from our products.

So someone who’s just starting in business online or starting their own coaching business.

But if you go a step deeper than that, you could say to yourself, well, I’m interested in people that have a list that is willing to take action, and are willing to take action fast and implement what I say to do.

And if you were to say it that way, that’s a deeper question.

So the very first question I think you need to ask yourself, and this is what I get my clients to do, is ask themselves who would benefit from your product or service?attracting the right person, Attract, Mindset

  •  Second Question: “Who do you want to attract?” 

Now, just because someone’s got $2,000 sitting in their bank account is not necessarily the right person for me.

So you have to have some kind of qualifiers and some kind of filtering system that you run these people through.

So for me, it’s more about I want somebody who has started a business. That person must be willing to implement what I say to implement. They must have a list of at least say, 5000 people or have some kind of following that could be something like 500 followers on social media.

We need something to get them started.

Starting someone from scratch is not the type of person that I want.

Disqualifiers are lazy people, people that are just chasing the dollar.

So just because they’ve got $2,000 in their pocket is not necessarily the person that I want to attract.

Now I’m just going to run through a list. I’ve just got a list of questions here sitting on my computer.

I’ll just point out to you that these are the categories to consider when you’re defining your ideal client.

Categories to consider when defining your ideal client. 

  1.  Gender 

Now, this is not about being sexist. This is more about being just understanding, like the type of person who would be interested in your product.

Now I know for a fact that males between the ages of 30 to 45 are more interested in what we offer.

If it’s a female, yes, they are interested in it. However, they normally find out about it if they’re currently in business.

  • Their income.

Now, I don’t want somebody who’s unemployed, who’s earning, say, a wage and attempting to support a family which has only got two children. I want someone who’s got some surplus income that’s made something of themselves.

They potentially have got some kind of experience behind them, or they have got something that they can contribute to somebody else.

So moving into business, coaching, for example, the other thing is a profession. 

So when you look at someone in a profession all I’m interested in is somebody who is a business coach or a consultant. I’m not interested in hairdressers, I’m not interested in someone who’s a barman, for example. 

I’m more interested in somebody willing to coach other people within a specific business, whether that be a coach who is helping hair salons, a completely different profession to being a hairstyle stylist.

  • The philosophy, views about your stuff.

 So your ideal customer is someone who shares a similar philosophy to you, right? For me, two things would kill it and someone who hated direct response.

So direct response advertising.

So that is how you can attract your ideal client very quickly.

And the other thing is someone who wanted to sell and hammer biz opportunities, so biz opportunities, so things like Bitcoin is a good example and I’m not against Bitcoin, however, it’s not the type of thing that I’m interested in personally myself and it’s against the way I follow things.

I’m more of a pull marketer rather than a push marketer.

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset.

The other thing is another question you can ask yourself is what qualities they must have?

So for me it’s more like they must be quick to act, they must understand that the information they’re getting is quite valuable and if they act on it, they will get a result, and nine times out of ten, it’s a successful result. Mindset works.

Then on the opposite side of that, you’ve got to have some form of a disqualifier.

When it’s a disqualifier some of the elements that make customers not ideal to do business with.

So if you were to list some of the qualities of your client that are not quite your fit. 

I’m not going to use some poor language here. However, you must identify what disqualifies them.

So I don’t want unemployed people, I don’t want lazy people, I don’t want people that are not going to act on information that I give them.

So here’s an exercise that you can do.

So sit down and understand those two questions that I’ve walked through.

The second question that I’ve just said, who do you want to attract? What you should do is sit down and understand, number one, the gender, and their income. 

So what kind of income bracket do they need to be earning?

Their profession, their philosophy, are they aligned to your philosophy in life? 

Qualities that are a must and qualities that you would just disqualify them?


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