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Unnecessary Stress - Don't Worry

don't stress over what you can't control, why do I worry so much about everything, unnecessary stress

Anthony | August 17, 2022



Hi. Anthony Manly here from I want to talk to you about worrying. And what we tend to do as business owners is worry too much. We worry about things that may or may not happen.

It conjures up in your mind, that I should be focused on this, but I’m not focused on this because I should be focused on that.  

Worrying. What it does to you is a fear that has built up inside of you of something not occurring, and we all do it.

However, some of us tend to worry a lot more than others.

And what worrying does is it brings up fears, brings up anxiety, it brings up stress, and it causes loss of sleep. There are several different factors that it does to us.

And the thing is, nobody knows what’s going to happen.

As business owners, we look for profitable ideas and solutions to problems all the time.

However, if you find yourself worrying all the time, all you’re going to do is attract worry to you and your problems won’t get solved. 

What you need to do is take a step back and be proactive and say to yourself, well, I’m going to take action regardless of what I’m thinking at the moment, and not worry about what may or may not happen. Because there was an old saying, take the first step and the rest is history.

Because when I say it’s an old saying, I don’t know whether there is an old saying that says take the first step and the rest is history. But if you take the first step, the first step is a proactive one.

You’re looking forward to it. You’re not worrying about what may or may not happen.

It’s difficult to do.

However, if you set yourself a goal to stop yourself every time you start to begin to worry. 

Now, it’s not an easy task to achieve. 

However, when you catch yourself worrying, that is the first step to overcoming the worry.

Now, I’m just going to use a story here.

When I was a kid, I used to worry all the time that I wouldn’t get home at 05:00 PM.

My father set a time limit for me and said, you must be home at 05:00 PM.

don't stress over what you can't control, why do I worry so much about everything, unnecessary stress

There were times there when I was at a friend’s house, and just lost track of time. And it was a little bit past 05:00. And I had said to my friend, look, I’ve got to go, I’ve got to go. I was worried about what my father would say to me or how I would react to what he was going to say to me when I turned up late.

And it was instilled into me as a child, that if you’re late, then these are the consequences.

So I would worry about the consequences.

And what does that mean for me?

It meant that worrying about the consequences is all I got was consequences.

You’re grounded.

You’re this, you’re that.

And I could never excuse myself. I could never get on top of it. I was never on the front foot. That’s when I decided to take a step back.

And instead of making excuses for the reasons that I was late, I would flippantly come into the house, and I would say to my father, Hey, I lost track of time.

Unfortunately, I’m a little bit late. However, this is me. I’m here now. And I wasn’t at home at 05:00 like you expected me to be.

What more could he say to that?

And he used to stop and think about what he was going to say, because normally what it was is an excuse for me. Oh, well, you know, I was doing this and I was doing that, making excuses to cover up the worry of him responding to me in a way that I didn’t want him to.

Now, can you see how I created that worry?

So what I want you to do is catch yourself when you’re worrying, take that step forward and start to think to yourself, how can I be more proactive in the way that I’m approaching a specific situation?

If you start to think that way, then I will be very surprised if you don’t start to create the success in your life that you’re looking for.


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