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Self Managed Business


Anthony | March 6, 2021

5 Tips for Creating an Offshore Team

The Philippines has skilled professionals prepared to dedicate their services to your business. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly common for small businesses to build entire teams made up of virtual assistants,

Anthony | February 21, 2021

7 Daily Success Habits of High Performers

Success means something different to everyone. Your definition of succeeding might be completely different to mine, and vice versa. There are two major components that

Anthony | February 17, 2021

Are You Born an Entrepreneur?

Success isn't defined by how well you did in school or how many degrees you have. I'm 100% living proof of this.  I was a straight-A student during High School and my father pushed

Anthony | February 14, 2021

What are the 4 Models of Learning?

The 4MAT Learning Cycle Model was developed and published by Bernice McCarthy in 1980.  She came up with the idea when she worked as a kindergarten teacher in the 1970s.

Anthony | January 25, 2021

7 Simple Steps to Map Business Processes

Business Process Mapping When it comes to your teams there are always different personalities and ways of thinking, how do you get everyone to see something the

Anthony | January 12, 2021

Build Your Messaging Model for a Repeatable Messaging Process

Today we are going to build a messaging model, this step anchors our messaging with something an individual person(s) cares about and helps