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What is a Customer Journey Map?

Customer Journey Map, Customer journey map stages, Benefits of customer journey mapping, Customer Journey Map

Anthony | June 15, 2022


Mapping Out Customer Journey

Hi, Anthony Manly here from Today I want to talk to you about mapping out your customer journey. So going from a lead through to a paying customer and maintaining that relationship long term. Customer journey map stages and Customer Journey Map.

So I’m going to walk you through the touch points that a lead would go through in your particular customer journey. And I’m also going to talk to you about what are the steps and mapping out those steps to understand what the long-term relationship is.

 So let’s get to it. 

Before I step through the process of mapping out your customer journey, let’s understand what a customer journey is.

So a customer journey is a process by which leads are generated, they’re qualified, and then moved through your particular funnel. Once that’s occurred, customers can understand and apply your product or service. How to create a customer journey map?

Once they’ve moved through a specific set of stage gates if you can put them that way or a specific set of steps of the process.

Once they’ve applied your product or service, they can then potentially become a raving fans. Once they become raving fans, they can help you generate referrals. And those referrals can then lead to what’s called a long-term relationship.

So when I say it turns into generally what happens is people want to stick with you for the longer term. And those long-term relationships are where you’re going to find a lot of opportunities to generate a lot more income and revenue.

Let’s talk about mapping your customer journey. Customer map and customer journey stages.

So by mapping out your customer journey, 

  • it’s going to enable you to visualize your customer’s experience. So their experience from their perspective, not necessarily your perspective or what you think is right.
  • It helps you to identify gaps and weaknesses and areas for improvement 
  • It also helps you understand a seamless experience for your customers. So their relationship with you is based on how you treat them.
  • You also identify central touch points for any interactions that you have with a customer. So you might have a way of a customer interacting with you on a specific page on your website as an example.
  • And it allows you to determine what information you need from your customers and when to gather it. And once you identify the areas, you can always optimize them. You can always automate it. It just depends on this particular step and how you want to nurture that relationship.


How to Map Customers Journey

Let’s talk about how to map your customer journey.

And I’m going to head over to the iPad in a minute.

What we’re going to do is we’re going to start from the end and we’re going to work backward. We’re going to identify the ideal path for a yes customer.

So a customer who is looking to purchase your product, we’re also going to identify the steps for a no-customer.

So the actual journey that they will follow.

And what we’re going to do is we’re going to take notes of places where you need to communicate with them or your team, for that matter, and what needs to be said at each particular phase.

So let’s move across to the iPad.


The customer journey could entail having a lead magnet or something of interest to a potential lead that they can download.

So we could start over here. We can start over here with what we call a lead magnet, which is a small chunk of information to solve a specific problem.

So this particular lead magnet could just be some information that solves a specific problem.

For example, if you’re a dog trainer, it might be how to make your dog sit.

The next step after that is we need something to capture an email address and their name.

So some form of CRM. When I say CRM, I’m talking about the Customer Relationship Management system.

So that could just be like they’re supposed to be a cylinder.

It’s just some form of a database.

Once they’ve downloaded it, meaning that they’ve sold it, they’ll be taken to maybe a thank you page.

So let’s call it a “TYP”

And on that thank you page, you could upsell them or you could down-sell them.

So in other words, you could make an offer.

So you could have some kind of offer, which is what we call upsell into a product of yours or you could down-sell them.

Now, when we map out the customer journey, we’re talking about what the customer goes through. So this is a particular funnel. So when we say a particular funnel we’re talking about they’ve got a problem, they’re looking for some kind of solution.

They’ve downloaded your information, and they’ve provided their contact details. They then land on a thank you page. What’s the experience on a thank you page? Hey, guess what? I’ve got a dog training course, which could be your upsell and that could be like a $97 product or it could be a down sale, which is just simply how to make your dog sit, which could be as simple as, like a $27 item.

So the customer experience there, if they’ve gone from a lead to understanding who you are to understanding the products and services that you’ve got to solve their problem.

Now because you’ve got their contact information, you can remarket your products and services using an email sequence. So you’re going to keep in touch and build that relationship. And you could send out email one, email two, email three, or email four.

Customer Journey Map.

This could be the people that say, well, you know what? I’ve downloaded it. I’m not interested in buying any of your products.

Sorry, I’m just going to circle this.

I’m not interested in buying any of your products. Customer Journey Map


Yeah, I’m quite happy for you to stay in touch with me. So that’s how you build a long-term relationship. I hope you gain some understanding of how to map out your customer’s journey. Customer Journey Map.

Look forward to teaching you something else in the next video.



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