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Message to Market Match

niche market ideas, market match, good niche ideas

Anthony | July 1, 2022


Understanding the “Who” and “What” Inside your Niche

Good Day!, Anthony Manly here from I just got off the call with a coaching client that I’ve been coaching for some time, and they’re struggling with the “Who” and the “What” inside of their niche. Niche market ideas.

Market match. Niche market ideas.

Now, what most people do when they’re entering into a niche, is they attempt to go the other way around, meaning that they want to understand, what am I going to sell? And when you’re focused on the what, you’re leaving the who behind.

 So here are six words that I want you to focus on.

Start with the Who and then work backward from there.

As I mentioned before, most people focus on the What, they focus on:

  • What to sell
  • What do we want to promote
  • What service am I going to provide?
  • What am I going to charge?

It’s always what, what, what?

When it should be focused on a message to market match.

So reverse it.

Start with the who, not the what.

The real question is, who am I going to serve? Market match. Niche market ideas.

Do you think it’s important to know the age, the income, the hopes, the dreams, the location of where you’re Who is actually hanging out?

So when you think about this, if you’re selling, say, Rolex watches to unemployed people, it’s not really a message to market fit in that scenario.

So it’s important to understand who would actually want to buy a $10,000 Rolex watch.

So, as an exercise from this video, what I want you to do is I want you to go away and I want you to imagine one product or service that you can provide and describe who your ideal client, customer, or patient is.

Once you’ve described that person, the who, what you’re then going to do is write a letter to that person, just the individual.

There’s no need to focus on multiple people.

niche market ideas, market match, good niche ideas

Market match.

You’re only writing a letter to that person.

So many people are focused on what they will leave out of the letter, and it becomes very bland and boring marketing to be specific to that person.

And there are niches within niches. And one of the key things that you want to take away from what I’m talking about is you have heard me speak about before about Niching, like how to identify your who and your what. Market match.

And it’s the niche is actually what’s in the middle of that. And when you start moving up the money scale, you move from a generalist to a specialist.

And when you become a specialist, that’s when you know that you’re in the right niche.

When I say a specialist, perhaps maybe you’ve got a skin problem. You wouldn’t go to a generalist GP or general doctor for a skin condition. The skin condition might be specific. It could be a blemish on your skin that needs to be dealt with.

A professional skin doctor who’s focused just on those types of things.

So as an exercise, think about what are four niches in your industry that you can provide products or services to and you can identify the who.

Now, by being in a niche, you’ll have an idea that makes you the only choice for your customer. Market match. Niche market ideas.


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