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Struggling with Your Sales Process?

making the sale, tips for sales success, approach sales process

Anthony | May 27, 2022



Hi, Anthony Manly here from

Today I want to talk to you about mistake number three when it comes to coaches and consultants getting clients consistently and profitably.

Mistake number three is being awkward when it comes to having sales conversations. How to start a conversation with a customer. 

And if you like most coaches, it’s pretty easy to sell other people’s products and services. But you struggle when it comes to selling your own. First sales conversation that can leave you super anxious whenever you have a chat or a conversation around sales of your own intellectual property.

And they can obviously lead to a lot of awkward silences when you’re actually starting to speak about sales. So that’s mistake number three.

Sales conversation starters. 


making the sale, tips for sales success, approach sales process

The solution? Build yourself out an effortless sales process. 

Now, you’ve probably seen a number of different sales processes that other people have been marketing or told you about on the market with regards to selling coaching services.

But one of the best that I’ve come across and that I continue to use is what I call “The Fit No Fit Call”. And you probably think to yourself, well, what’s “The Fit No Fit Call”? 

Sales talk techniques. Basic sales process.

Here’s a high level overview. 

What they actually are is they’re short calculated calls that are designed to engage with prospects that are actually on your daily list. They’re not designed to sell. So what we’re actually doing is we’re discovering who is actually a fit versus the in between people. So it’s like a light switch. They’re either on or they’re off. So in other words, we’re not dealing with anybody who’s not a fit. We’re only dealing with the people that are the right fit for your program.

Now I’ve gone through the three mistakes over the last three videos.

If you’d like to go back, please have a look at the videos in this series.

If you’d like to know more, we’re actually running a Get Clients program that’s coming up within the next month.

Just comment “Get Clients” below and we’ll get you all the details.


Here Are 4 Ways I Can Help You

And Your Coaching Business Right Now!

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