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4 WAYS TO STAND out (CashIn) During the Holidays

holiday marketing strategies, how to make money during the holidays, making money during holidays

Anthony | August 23, 2022



Hi. Anthony Manly here from Today I want to talk to you about taking advantage of special events, mainly holidays such as Christmas, and mid-year. So here in Australia, we have what’s called the end of financial year sales which occur around June. In any particular year, you could also tie it into an American-type thing. So it could be Halloween. As an example.

I’m just going to run you through some of these ideas that you could actually take to market your business and attract more leads or even give out more information.

1. Create a report that’s themed around the holiday itself

So the first one of those is to create a report that’s themed around the holiday itself. 

So for example, you could have if say, for example, you’re a finance coach. As an example, you could create a PDF of very short concise PDF that says how to save during the school holidays whilst you’ve got your kids running around the house running mayhem.

If you’re a restaurant you could have over a Christmas period, you could have your chef create a recipe list like the best recipes leading into Christmas or how to cook a roast on Christmas Day.

Other things that you could do if you own different types of businesses are you could also, I guess, look at fitness and health, how to survive, for example, Christmas, how to survive New Year, how to get over the hangover. I think you get the idea.

It’s more about creating a report that’s specific to the type of holiday period that it is. A good one that I like is the annual one which is coming into Christmas, getting clients over Christmas because it’s the best time here.

People are in a spending mood. Other things, like New Year. People like to make New Year’s resolutions. So goal setting is another good one.

2. Adopt a cause

Now the second type of thing is you might want to adopt a cause.

So adopting a cause could mean for example, that you might be donating to a local charity. It could be tied in with a local theme. So what you could be doing is saying, hey, over these school holidays, for every sale that we make, we’re going to donate a dollar towards X charity. So it could be any type of charity that you’re dealing with. You could also support a local charity or organization by printing coffee mugs as an example.

They are just ideas. But again, it’s another way that you can promote yourself during this period. Another thing is you could interview a celebrity and by actually interviewing a celebrity like if you said a business coach, you could interview somebody who’s quite successful. It could be a client. It could also be another coach putting that report out there and saying, hey look, I interviewed XYZ.

It’s a great way to attract people who are sitting at home during that period, maybe looking after their kids, but they see and they know this particular celebrity.

So they know that it’s going to build? Well, they know that what you’ve got to say is credible because of the person that you’ve interviewed.

3. Create a Wishlist

Another way is by creating a Wishlist. So when we say create a wishlist, it could be something like, here are seven things every business coach should have.

holiday marketing strategies, how to make money during the holidays, making money during holidays

Number one should be, that you must understand what your client is looking for. You must understand the problem. You must understand how to solve the problem. Here are the seven key things. Another example is the seven things that your child needs when they first start school.

New pencil case, pencils. It’s just a list, a checklist-type thing. I think you get the idea.

4. Reorder

The other thing is to make it easy for them to reorder.

Now, when I say reorder, you might be selling something, but they also need to be able to reorder it because they could use word of mouth.

They could be telling their friends, hey, listen, I just purchased this nice coffee mug off X business. And you know what? You should grab yourself one as well.

Again, these are just ideas, but it’s built around the holiday period. It’s the best time to capture people’s attention, specifically around kids’ holidays, mid-year holidays, Christmas holidays, and any holidays that pop up from time to time in where your market is based.

So in America, they have several different holidays. Like Thanksgiving. They have Christmas, they have Halloween and Black Friday. They have key dates that you can tie into and you can utilize these types of tips.

So I hope you enjoyed that chat soon.


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