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Improve Your Self Confidence to Manifest Your Desires

Anthony | April 11, 2021


If you follow the advice from the gurus like:

  • think positively
  • write meaningful affirmations daily
  • create vision boards and “act as if”,

and so on…

You quickly discover that many of these things work very well.

All of these things have their place in the successful manifesting equation, however, there’s something much bigger at play that lies below the surface, that if you ignore will make manifesting what you want extremely difficult.

The underlying issue that will continue to be a thorn in your side, holding you back in ways you probably don’t even realize, is self-confidence.

Ignore the problem of low self-confidence that many people struggle with then manifesting what you want consistently (or at all) will continue to be a challenge.

So here’s what you need to know to get started:

1. The Law of Attraction 

The Law of Attraction is always working.  This law is always in motion, matching the vibrational frequencies you put out there regardless of the outcome being good or bad.

Understanding this principle is the first step.

It simply matches the vibrational frequency you put out there. The Law of Attraction isn’t good or bad, it just is. It has no intentions and it doesn’t pick and choose who to be nice too.

It’s always working for or against you so the trick is to learn how to leverage it to get what you actually want.

This is where most Law of Attraction experts will tell you to set a strong intention, create a dream board, envision it coming to life before your very eyes, think positively, and recite affirmations.

However, there’s one important step that you need to do before all that, the missing first step, to improve your self-confidence.

2. Low Self Confidence equals Self-Doubt

If you have low self-confidence you have no belief in yourself, nor the ability to get what you want or possess the worthiness to have the things you desire.

This is not something you consciously think about, however, these feelings are there interfering in the background keeping you from what you want. In order for the Law of Attraction to work for you, you have to believe what you want is possible, you have the ability to make it happen and you deserve it. You can’t set strong, powerful intentions that you only “kind of” believe in or really don’t believe you’ll ever have them at all even if they’d be nice.

3. Worry about What Others Think

People with low self-confidence worry about what others think. They are constantly censoring what they say, how they act, and what they do. They play small and try to blend in rather than shine.

When I told family and friends I’d had enough of working at a job and wanted to have my own business the response was not what I had hoped for.  Family and friends thought it was weird, not realistic, or even possible.  They told me to find a different job.

That wouldn’t have changed anything… I’m not a 9 to 5er, I dislike office politics, and being told what to do so a new job just wouldn’t have fixed that.

At first, the reactions I got really bothered me. I didn’t want people to think I was a freak.

Yet, in reality, most people dislike change.  So if you try to change your closest friends and family attempt to pull you back into what they consider normal.

Imagine crabs in a bucket… If one tries to climb out the other ones will pull it back down. This is true anytime you worry about what others think and allowing them to pull you back down into the bucket.

Don’t let what people think hold you back. Be true to yourself. It really doesn’t matter what other people think. It’s your life.

When it comes to what you want to do with your life that’s your business. I’m specifically talking about you being true to YOU and not letting the opinions of other people get in the way of that. A lot of people have a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset.

4. Stop Being Comfortable

When you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Change is difficult, scary, and uncomfortable, but without it, your life will never improve.

Stop putting off those things you know will bring you closer to where you want to be because they’re uncomfortable. So be courageous. Send the email. Make the call. Show up. Be seen.

And you’ll feel great and your self-confidence will grow.

Confidence comes from taking action even when you are scared out of your mind.

5. Write Down Your Goals… Then Take ACTION

At the start of each week write down 3-5 core things you’d like to accomplish.  Put the list somewhere you’ll see it and be reminded to follow through.

a. Make the goals challenging, yet realistic.

  • Not Realistic – Declutter the whole house by Sunday
  • Realistic – Declutter the study by Sunday by working on it 30 minutes each day

b. Get specific. State HOW you’re going to get the things done.

  • Not Specific – Start exercising
  • Specific – Take a 30-minute walk 6 days per week.

Acknowledge yourself for following through and doing what you said you’d do.

At the beginning of the week think of a reward you’ll give yourself for finishing your list. It can be as big or small as you’d like it to be. This will keep you motivated and you’ll be more likely to do follow through the next week.

Taking steps to improve your self-confidence is so important and easily missed or overlooked.  The reason you’re not following through in life isn’t that you simply don’t feel like it, it seems too hard, or whatever you think your reason is.

Below that it’s likely that you don’t feel worthy of improving things, you’re not good enough/smart enough/etc.

I believe in you.


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