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7 Welcome Emails You Should not be Sending

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

Anthony | August 11, 2022



Hi. Anthony Manly here from Today I want to talk to you about the seven welcome emails that you probably want to rethink sending. Because when somebody signs up for say a lead magnet or for some source of information. Whether that be a continual blog newsletter or whatever it may be. Welcome emails to new subscribers.

That is the time that they’re most interested in you and your brand. And you need to make a first impression. And it sets the tone for the type of relationship you will have with this particular client or lead then.

It just sets that relationship up to whether it be a good start or a not-so-good start.

Now let me run through the six that there are.

1. “Thanks For Your Submission”

So the first email that you shouldn’t be sending is one where it’s just a response that says, “Thanks For Your Submission.”

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

Now a lot of people realize that there are a lot of software packages out there that will just put that in as a default. Thanks for your email, or thanks for your sign-up in a story and there’s nothing further you can unsubscribe here if you like.

Not exactly the best experience for the customer.

2. “Thanks very much for your contact details, We’ll get back to you shortly”

The second one that you’ve got is the generic email, which is, thanks very much for your contact details, we’ll get back to you shortly. And it’s more of a generic, Hey, we acknowledge that you’ve signed up.

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

Look, here’s a little bit more information and then that’s it.


The third type that you shouldn’t be sending is where you’re giving out everything rather than just keeping it consistent with what you’ve said on the landing page or the sign-up form or what they’re signing up for.

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

You’re going all over the place and you’ve written out a two or three-page letter if you were to put it on a four-sheet of paper. And people just get bored and they just like, well, hang on a minute, I didn’t sign up for this. What’s going on?


The fourth one is just literally rehashing exactly what was on the page I signed up for. People look at that and they think, well, that’s pretty lazy or pretty slack.

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

I was expecting a better experience than that. Think about experiences that you’ve had where you’ve signed up for products or services and someone’s done that to you.

Not exactly the best experience.

5. SENDING “Do you know how great I am?”

The other email you shouldn’t send is, do you know how great I am? Email it’s all about you rather than them, look, I’ve done this and I’ve done that, and I’ve met this person and I met that person.

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

No one cares about you.

They only care about themselves.

So it would be best if you stopped doing that.

If you’re doing that, take a step back. Understand that you’re serving your customers. You’re not serving yourself by doing exactly that, by telling them how great you are.


The next type of email is you do all the work for me, which is they’ve given you their name and the email address.

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

However, when they’ve come into the first email they received, you’re asking them for a hell of a lot more information, which is, provide me all of this information, which could be their name, their address, their phone number, and the list goes on.

People do not like that.

They’ve given you a snippet of their information, specifically to take a chunk of information from you to help them solve a problem that they’re looking to solve. Remember, this is the first time they’re having an interaction with you in some cases, and you want to make that experience a good experience.


The last type of email you shouldn’t be sending is the late welcome email. So the email turns up, say, a week later.

welcome emails to new subscribers, what is welcome email, welcome emails

I don’t know if you’ve ever signed up for something and you’re thinking immediately that something will come through and you’re waiting for it. And you’re waiting for it. You keep refreshing your email inbox and nothing comes through.

Then a week later, all of a sudden, something drops into your inbox. Whatever you do, have a look at your automation system and look at how often those welcome emails are going out.

Somebody wants a piece of your business or a result that they’re looking for, and they believe that you’ve got the information. It’s the time when they first sign up to build that relationship.

So let’s talk about what an email, a welcome email, should have in it.

So your welcome email should inform, it should engage, and should connect with your new lead or prospect.

The other thing that we like to do here at selfmanagedbusiness is a bit like dating.

When you go on a date, you tend to bounce around a little bit. If you sat in one spot, it becomes boring and mundane.

So think about a date. For example, you might go to a restaurant and you might say to that person, hey, we just grab a bite to eat. You grab a bite to eat.

You might then say, hey, do you want to go in and grab a drink at a bar? We’re moving from one place to the next when it comes to our email system. We’re saying, hey, look, click here. Make sure that you’re getting our emails by whitelisting our emails so they don’t go to your spam folder in your inbox. That’s one of the ways we do it.

Here are three articles that you might find of interest that specifically relate to business coaches. It’s a welcome email that’s engaging, and it’s designed to connect with your ideal prospect or customer.

So I hope you’ve enjoyed this.

It’s more about not what to do. But if you think about these things, you will be off to a better start with your lead, and they’ll be more informed, more engaged, and want to connect with you as you go forward.


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