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Stage of Search Intent for Your Prospects: Aware, Subscribe, Convert

what is keyword intent, search intent, intent

Anthony | August 2, 2022


The intent for Searching your Prospects

Good day. Anthony Manly here from  Today I want to talk to you about intent, and I think this goes for all of us when it comes to searching for anything on the Internet or finding a product or a service, whether that be through Amazon, whether it be through Google, or whatever search engine you’re using.

Why is search intent important?

What is keyword intent? search intent? search intent strategy.

Search intent analysis.

Now I don’t know about you, but when I’m looking for something I tend to go in and think to myself, okay, I’m looking for say, for example, a lamp.

Now, pretty broad thing to type in the word lamp and a lot of people have probably typed in that same type of keyword into any search engine. Search intent tool.

So I’m just going to refer to

So I intend to find a lamp.

Now if you start to narrow that down and say, oh, I want a standing lamp, that’s a little bit deeper.

My intent now is to find myself a lamp that’s standing as opposed to a desk lamp or another type of lamp.

Now when I type in standing lamp, I’m still going to get a broad range of search results and I may tend to head down the rabbit hole, so to speak. And you’ll find yourself if you’re conscious.

And the reason I’m looking down is I’m thinking I’ve got my phone in my hand. 

what is keyword intent, search intent, intent

When you search, you will find yourself going off in a different scent. And what I mean by scent is that you’ll be seeing yourself. Oh yeah, look, okay, look, maybe I am looking for something that looks like this.

However, if you bring yourself back to the search engine and you start getting specific, that’s when you’re going to start to get better results.

Now here’s another example.

If I type in I’m after a reading lamp that stands beside my bed that is getting very specific and you will find that very few people would type in that type of keyword.

However, the result that I get back would be very specific to what I’m looking for.

Now, why am I raising this?

Well, I got off a call this morning with a client who kept saying to me, I’m unable to find the right types of clients.

I’m only getting like five to ten people a day that is contacting me. And I’m thinking, well hang on a minute, you’re doing pretty well because you’re getting specific clientele.

They intend to find you.

However, this particular client was thinking to themselves, I want a flood of leads coming to me and I’m thinking, well hang on a minute, I think you’re doing pretty well getting those five to ten leads.

Let’s, first of all, understand how those five to ten leads find you.

So he’s doing something right. 

Upon further investigation and speaking to this client of mine, I started to dig a little bit deeper and said, okay, well, how are clients becoming aware of your products? 

And services. And his response was, look, I do a little bit of marketing on my blog, I do some marketing on social media, but I’m making them aware of who I am and what products and services I have.

And I said, well hang on a minute, let’s back up, back a second.

We need to be understanding the intent of the person who’s looking for your products or services. They’ve got some kind of problem that they’re looking to solve, but the problem is quite specific. Search intent.

And what you need to do is understand those types of problems that you’re solving.

You need to make them aware, first of all, that they have a problem. And it’s been said.

And look. A lot of marketers do say this. That if you can articulate a person’s problems better than what they can themselves. 

Then you’ll have a customer for life once you’ve made them.

Where the next part is to get them to download something that you might have on your website.

Subscribe to something. Whether it be a free group. It could be a free download. But it’s giving them a snippet or a tasting platter essentially of what you’re offering.

So if they’ve got a problem for this particular client, he’s like, well I’m not getting enough leads, then you could come up with a solution.

We do have a solution where you can set up a free Facebook group and you’ll have an endless supply of leads. You won’t have to worry about going out doing cold calling, you’ll run around knocking on people’s doors, sending out a newsletter, doing that type of thing.  

However, bringing it back to the subscription piece.

So you make them aware of what are they subscribing to?

So what is the solution to the problem that you’ve made them aware of?

And it’s that small snippet like an old derv, something that can be swallowed quite quickly and get them the result that they’re looking for quite fast.

So think in your business, what is the intent of my particular lead or opportunity or potential customer and what they’re searching for?

And what can I provide as a quick magic trick solution to their problem?

Now, once you’ve done that, the next step is to then say, okay, you’ve got a result.

Now, if you want to expand that result to something bigger, whether that be right across what you’re trying to achieve, hey, guess what? We’ve got an even better solution that covers these areas.

So you’re growing their problem and solution to a much broader, bigger problem with a variety of different solutions to what they may be experiencing.

Now, where they come into that particular stage, where they come in the intent phase to make them aware will be dependent on what they’re searching for.

Now, I’m going to use the example of somebody who’s looking for yoga services.

So what they might do is I want to understand, how can I relax more so they might type in, how can I relax? By doing exercise.

And for all intents and purposes, it could pop up and say, hey, yoga is a great way to relax.

Now you’re going to capture people’s intent, but you’re making them aware, hey, this is one way that you can relax.

If you think about that same person and their intent, if you change their intent and you say to yourself, well, the person who’s searching for my services might be searching for reviews about my business, that’s a different intent from the customer.

They’re now into what’s called the conversion stage or the buying phase. And they might be looking at your business and understanding what other people are saying.

So how do you cater to those people? 

You need to start thinking about what kind of content you’re creating to attract those people, to turn them into buyers.

Now, I’ve just used two examples thereof two different intents, but it’s also the context of where that person is coming from.

So whether it’s a potential lead or not, and it’s always their intent along with the context of their intent that will turn your leads and prospects into customers that will hang around with you for a very long time and also end up promoting your business.

So if you can start brainstorming ideas around what their intent is when it comes to your business, you’d be very surprised that you can start to talk their language, talk about their problems, and come up with solutions in small snippets, whether it be through a magic trick or an audience. Search intent.

And you have a lot more leads coming into your business.


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