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The True Meaning of Humility

Anthony | December 19, 2022


Humility is one of the most misunderstood concepts there is today. People think that keeping your head down and never showing your real strength is humility. People think that living a big life and enjoying it to the fullest isn’t humble living. The idea that you always need to live a small and humble life has enslaved most people into living a life of mediocrity.

The real meaning of humility has nothing to do with living small, holding back your skill set. Real humility is understanding that you still have a lot to learn and grow, no matter how far you’ve come.

It’s understanding that you are no better than anybody else, and anybody can pass you up if you take your foot off the accelerator. So here’s my opinion. Stop being humble by society standards.

Go live the life you’re supposed to live. Quit locking yourself in the box of humility. The next time someone tells you to be humble, go out and win big and let people choke on your success.


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