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Self Managed Business


Anthony | December 15, 2022

High Achievers Are Not Multi Taskers

When you split your attention across doing multiple tasks at the same time, it does not make you more efficient. You're just creating more room for error and you end up producing a below average result simply for each task.…

Anthony | December 15, 2022

Get Up And Do The Work

The main problem with doing hard things is life is often not the actual task itself. You need to understand this if you just get up and do the work, you'd realize that the actual act of executing the task…

Anthony | December 15, 2022

Don't Beat Around The Bush

If you're going to be successful in life, you have to learn how to be direct in your communication. You can't waste time trying to tiptoe around people's feelings and you can't beat around the bush at all. Number one,…

Anthony | December 15, 2022

Anthony | December 15, 2022

Nobody Is Out There To Get You

None of those things can stop you from learning and improving on your stuff if you don't let it. The only people who let these things affect them are pretend entrepreneurs. The people who say that they are ambitious and…

Anthony | December 15, 2022

Do You Want To Become A Millionaire

A lot of you like to approach me and talk about how badly you want to become a millionaire, which is great, you know, I fully support people who have big visions for their future. But let me ask you…

Anthony | December 15, 2022

It's Okay To Make Mistakes

It's okay to make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes, and that's okay. What's not okay is making the same mistake twice. At this point, it's no longer a mistake. It's negligence. And it will cost you a lot of pain in…