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Money Is Not Your Problem

Anthony | December 19, 2022


A lot of people ask me for advice on how to become successful. Most of them are just concerned with making more money and act as if their financial situation is what’s holding them back from being successful.

But here’s the reality: your finances are not the problem. They are actually just the symptoms of the real problem.

The real problem is your rubbish behavior, your bad habits and your lack of execution.

All of these things combined have led you to the life you have today.

Now, the relationships you have and the physique you have and the money in your bank account more money is not going to make you successful nor will it make all of your problems disappear.

You need to focus on addressing the real issues. You need to develop your discipline, develop your grit, develop your attention to detail. And making a lot of money is a product of building your skill set, not a problem that you need to solve in order to become successful.

Fix this and you’ll never have a problem with money again.


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