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6 Steps to Find 7 Figure Mentors

Anthony | February 28, 2021


When you study successful people, one thing they all have in common is they have mentors.

If you ask a successful person why it’s so important to have mentors, they would likely say that surrounding themselves with the right people allows them to avoid mistakes and helps them achieve their goals faster.

If mentors are the key to your success, why is it that we don’t go out and find them?

Have you heard the Jim Rohn quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with?”

Take a minute and answer the following questions yourself.

  • Who are your five?
  • Are they living the life you want to be living?
  • If not, what does this say about you and your chances of accomplishing your goals?

If you are like the majority of people, you’re probably realizing that the right people are not in your circle and the chances of living your dream life will likely remain as simply that, a dream.

The question then becomes, How can you go out and form relationships with the people who are already living the life you dream of?

Here are six steps you to find your seven-figure mentors:

1. Get clarity on the help you need

A mentor can serve you best in their areas of expertise so you need to identify where you need help in order to seek out the right people.

To get clarity ask yourself these two questions:

Out of everything going on in my life right now, what is the one thing I need the most help with right now?

Get specific

  • Are you looking to quit your corporate job?
  • Are you focused on building a $ 20,000-month business with passive income?
  • What is that one thing you need the most help with right now?

Now ask yourself, “Who is the ideal person to help me?” and describe this person in one sentence.

When you can answer these questions move to step two.

2. Talk about it consistently.

We all have an innate desire to help one another. So when you share where you need help, people naturally look to support you.

Starting today, share what you are looking to accomplish and the type of people you are looking to meet.

When you are talking to friends, , competitors, business associates etc and they ask you what’s new, respond with something like:

“I’ve recently been inspired to become financially free with my coaching business and am looking to meet some successful business coaches making at least $15,000 per month in passive income.”

Then sit back and listen to how they respond.

3. Be interested 

Once you’re face to face, you need to stand out and make an impression. The fastest way to do this is to be more interested in them.

Set a sincere intention as you approach someone to find a way to add value. Then ask questions and find a way you can add value.

If you do this successfully, you suddenly find people going out of their way to help you accomplish your goals, because you started by adding value to them first.

4. Rinse and repeat

As you start to take action some things will work for you, and some things will not.

The important thing is to keep taking action and refine your approach.

5. Build a community

Change is not simple. How many times have you created your New Year Goals only to fast forward 12 months and find yourself in the exact same place?

This process of upgrading your network is one of the most important actions you can take to make your life more successful.

Make sure you are a part of a community or have connections with others who are going through the same process so you can collaborate and hold each other accountable.

6. Have an accountability partner

When you become a part of a like-minded community, you need to find someone you can interact with on a regular basis, and make commitments to.

If you are serious about upgrading your personal network, you will make sure you do this.

Incorporate these steps into your daily routine. If you do, you will find yourself surrounded by inspiring people who can guide you as you accomplish your goals and live the life you deserve to be living.


Here Are 4 Ways I Can Help You

And Your Coaching Business Right Now!

About the Author


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