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3 Areas of Focus to Scale Up Your Business in 2022

customer retention, employees, scale up your business

Anthony | August 9, 2022



Hi. Anthony Manly here from If you want to scale up your business, then there are three areas of focus that you need to focus on. And before I get into that, I wanted to just highlight to you that when I first got into the business, I always thought it was about marketing.

I thought you’ve just got to market your business, you’ve got to make the income that you’re looking for not entirely correct.

And after a lot of trial and error, you start to realize that, yes, marketing is important.

However, it’s not the number one thing that you should be focused on all the time.

Taking a step back from that and moving into the three areas of focus. 

customer retention, employees, scale up your business


Probably the very first area of focus is employees.

So you are unable to grow or scale your business unless you’ve got some form of a team around you. 

Now, I can hear you probably thinking to yourself, moaning and groaning, hang on a minute. What do you mean I need to hire people? 

Well, you need a team to grow, So you need to offload some of those things that you do day to day. 

Now, a lot of people say to them and say to me, they go, Anthony, but I hired people before and they’ve never worked out. It’s like, well, hang on a minute.

Is it them or is it you?

Is it your leadership style?

So I’m here to tell you right now a bit of hard truth. 

It’s your leadership style as to the reasons that you’re hiring bad people.

And if you sit back and say to yourself, hang on a minute, how can I manage these people in such a way that’s going to be more beneficial for both of us, then you’ll have a much better relationship with your employees and you’ll be able to scale your business.

customer retention, employees, scale up your business


The second point that I want to call out is around customer retention.

And a lot of people don’t focus on this.

They’re more focused on just getting new customers into the business. And when they focus on getting new customers into the business, it’s more like a churn and burns. 

And you’ve probably seen that with a lot of people around the industry, especially around business coaching.

All they care about is themselves.

Now, retention is about constantly providing your community of people with consistent effort and helping them get the results that they’re looking for. 

Retention for a lot of people, there are many different strategies that you could employ to retain people and keep them around for a certain period.

However, there are businesses out there that will give you strategies that are quite beneficial. We’ve got a strategy ourselves on how to reset people and keep them focused on their overall end goal when they first started business coaching with us.

customer retention, employees, scale up your business


The third focus area is around business processes and what a lot of people fail to do is create and understand how to build those processes within their business.

If you don’t have processes to delegate specific tasks or repetitive tasks for that matter, then you’ll find yourself ending up doing the tasks which is not the ideal way to grow a scale of business.

It’s like holding you back.

And when I say hold you back, you need to get it out of your head and explain to people how it’s done.

Be confident that the people that you’ve employed, if you show them how to do the process, will go away and execute it.

Probably not exactly how you want it to execute it, but they will do it in such a way that gets the same results. And that’s where you’ve got to take away the perfection.

And a lot of people get bogged down with it’s got to be perfect, it’s going to be that it doesn’t good enough is good enough. And when I say good enough, that means in our business it’s done.

And provided that person’s given it 100% and they followed the processes and the checklist that you’ve created for them, I can’t ask for anything more or anything less.

So they’re the three key focus areas.


Now if you’re wanting to focus on specific areas to grow your business, first of all, don’t think to yourself that you’ve got to stop your existing marketing. Keep that going because that’s what’s keeping the money coming in.

The second thing is you’ve got to understand how you’re going to retain your existing customer base.

So understand that this is probably the best place to start is retention is a big thing for a continuity business, which I would strongly advise that you focus on.

The third thing is to get your systems and your processes down pat. So come up with a strategy of how you’re going to document and how you’re going to replace people that decide to leave your business and go into bigger and better things and people will come and go.

However, you’ve got to make sure that the intellectual property stays within the business. You also need to figure out a hiring process and an exiting process upon that as well.

So that when someone decides to exit your business, you can do it in such a way that makes it nice and easy for both of you.

So if you want to get started, by all means, reach out to us.


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